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Showing results for tag "chest"

December 16, 2023
How To Unf*ck Your Barbell Bench Press Form (Fix 5 Mistakes)

Got hurt from the barbell bench press? Or feel it more in your shoulders and arms than your chest? Fix these 5 mistakes. Do you ever feel pinching or pain in your shoulder when you bench? Or maybe you end up feeling it more in your shoulders and arms instead of your chest? Or maybe […]

June 14, 2023
Best Chest Compound Exercises: Top 10 Exercises For A Stronger And Bigger Chest

Best Chest Compound Exercises To-do: build chest muscles so big and thick they fill out your t-shirts. How? Option 1: pile as many plates onto the bar as possible and spam sets upon sets of barbell bench presses, then pray to the “chest gods”. Option 2: consider the chest anatomy, then carefully select a variety […]

April 30, 2023
How To Lose Chest Fat | Built With Science

It protrudes. Jiggles. And makes buying shirts an absolute nightmare — anything white, “lightweight”, or soft is an instant no-go. Also, let’s not forget the endless tugging of shirts (if you know, you know). That’s right: we’re talking about man boobs. If you've been desperately searching for an answer to "How do I lose chest […]

February 18, 2023
How to PROPERLY Bench Press for Chest Growth (5 Steps)

See massive gains in your chest. Avoid injuring your your shoulders and elbows. How? By (finally) learning how to properly do the bench press. In 5 easy steps. The bench press is the GOAT of upper body exercises. Do your bench press with proper form, and you’ll see massive gains in your chest, as well […]

November 11, 2022
The Best Chest Exercises: A $12,000 Machine Reveals What They Are

I used a $12,000 EMG machine (named "Betty") to discover what the best chest exercises really are. Read this article to find out what I found out. This is Betty: a $12,000 EMG machine that is going to help us determine what the best chest exercises ACTUALLY are.  How does this all work? Why Did […]

August 27, 2022
STOP Doing Chest Flyes Like This (5 Mistakes Slowing Your Chest Gains)

You're trying to grow your chest. But no matter how many sets of chest flyes you hit it with, it just doesn't seem to grow. Discover the 5 mistakes you could be making here. Chest flyes are one of the most effective exercises for building your chest. But if you don’t do them correctly, the […]

July 16, 2022
STOP Doing Your Dumbbell Bench Press Like This (5 Mistakes Slowing Your Chest Gains)

The dumbbell bench press is one of the best exercises you could use to build your chest. But are you doing it correctly? Here are 5 common form mistakes people make — and how to fix them for more gains. As far as chest exercises go, the dumbbell bench press is arguably the most effective […]

March 26, 2022
How To Get A Big Chest: 4 Mistakes Keeping You Small

Massive. Thick. Striated. That's the ideal look for many guys — when it comes to the pecs. Here, I cover 4 common mistakes people make with training this muscle group, helping you learn how to get the big chest of your dreams. I’m sure you’ve heard the advice, “If you want to grow a big […]

October 16, 2021
How To Get A Massive Chest With Only Push-Ups (NO EQUIPMENT)

Want a bigger chest? This article is for you. Here, I cover the 6 types of push ups - plus 2 key movements - that'll help you build a massive chest (fast!) I’m going to share with you how you can grow a big chest by just using push ups. Here's what we're going to […]

July 31, 2021
3 WORST (And Best) Chest Exercises To Do In Your Workout For Mass

Could your current chest workout be slowing your gains - instead of speeding it up? Find out here. In this article, I cover the worst (and best) chest exercises to do for maximum mass. In this article, I'm going to cover the 3 common - but WORST - chest exercises that are slowing your gains. […]