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Showing results for tag "biceps"

December 2, 2023
The #1 Arm Workout That Blew Up My Arms (4 Exercises)

Today, we'll use the latest science to create the perfect arm workout that'll blow up your arms. Thor, Captain America, and Sam Sulek. What’s the 1 thing they have that every guy wants? A big… thick… juicy… set of arms.  Unfortunately, God blessed me with twigs. So, I spammed them with curls and pushdowns in […]

July 24, 2023
Compound Exercises For Arms | Built With Science

What Are The Best Compound Exercises For Arms? Want sleeves-busting arms? Then you’ve come to the right place.  In this article, I share the top 5 compound exercises for arms you could do — based on science — that’ll help you build the biceps (both the short head and the long head) and triceps (all […]

October 8, 2022
STOP Doing Bicep Curls Like This (5 Mistakes Slowing Your Gains)

Bicep curls look easy to master. But many do the exercise without ever seeing meaningful growth in the biceps. You could be different. Discover the 5 bicep curls mistakes to fix right now so you experience game-changing growth. Biceps training isn’t complicated. Although there are tons of different exercises, they pretty much all boil down […]

September 24, 2022
How To Get Big Biceps: 5 Mistakes Keeping Your Arms Skinny

"My arms are like twigs!" If that's you, read this article. Discover how to get big biceps (read: turn your biceps from barely there to my-sleeves-are-about-to-burst) by leveraging 5 lesser-known techniques in your arm training. There’s nothing that can shatter your confidence more than having twig-like arms. Trust me, I’ve been there, and I know […]

August 21, 2021
The FASTEST Biceps Workout With Dumbbells (That Actually Works)

Looking to build bigger arms in record-breaking time? This article is for you. Here, I cover the exercises - and exact training methods - to use for the FASTEST biceps workout with dumbbells (that actually works!) I'm going to give you a killer 10-minute biceps workout - with only dumbbells. Better yet, we'll use 3 […]

January 10, 2021
The FASTEST Way To Grow Big Biceps (In 8 Weeks)

Haven't been seeing results from your biceps routine? This article is a must-read. Here, I cover the exact training plan that'll get you big biceps - FAST.  Building big (or bigger) biceps is no easy feat. It’s a much slower process than most people perceive it to be. But if you’re serious about maximizing and […]

August 18, 2019
The Ultimate Dumbbell Bicep Workout You Need For Massive Arms

Want bigger biceps that visibly pop under your sleeves? Thankfully, building bigger arms isn't challenging. In this article, I'll go through the best dumbbell bicep workout that targets each part of your biceps, so you add the muscle mass you want to your arms. If you're looking to get bigger biceps, you need to incorporate […]

January 19, 2019
Short Head Biceps Exercises

If you want to learn what the best biceps exercises are for the short head... Then you need to read this article. This article will begin by focusing on brachialis related workouts and then move into the short head biceps exercises. You may be asking yourself why the brachialis is included here at all. Or […]

January 19, 2019
Long Head Biceps Exercises

If you want to learn what the best long head biceps exercises are for growth... Then you need to read this article. As discussed in the previous article, the anatomy of the biceps is such that it is composed by two main heads. These are conveniently named the short and the long head. The short […]

January 19, 2019
Parts of the Biceps

Goals of this article The goal of this article will be to cover the basic anatomy of the bicep muscle. The biceps is the largest muscle group in the upper arm. It also has multiple attachment points and is fairly complicated since it acts at two joint (the shoulder and the elbow). Knowing the anatomy […]