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Showing results for tag "deadlift"

January 11, 2023
How To Deadlift PROPERLY For Growth (5 Easy Steps)

Deadlifts can be scary, especially if you don't know how to deadlift with proper form. Here's how to master your deadlift form in 5 easy steps. Here's how to deadlift with proper form (the shortened version): Step 1: Stand with your feet hip-width apart and the bar over your mid-foot. Step 2: Make a fist […]

January 1, 2022
5 Reasons Why The Deadlift Hurts Your Back (Fix Your Form!)

Struggling with a deep-set fear of hurting your back on the deadlift? Or have already hurt your back (at least once) before? Your deadlift form needs fixing. This article walks you through the process. If you’ve ever hurt your back deadlifting or are afraid to do them in fear that you will end up hurting […]

September 4, 2021
The Best Glutes Workout To Grow Your Flat Butt (GYM OR HOME!)

Struggle with a flat butt no more. In this article, I cover the butt workout (featuring 6 of the best glute exercises around) you should be doing for a perky butt. I'm going to show you a glutes workout with 6 of the best exercises to grow your butt. Here's what I'll go through: The […]

January 30, 2021
The 4 BEST Glutes Exercises Ft. Bret Contreras (GYM OR HOME)

Struggling with developing and strengthening your glutes? Here, find the 4 best glutes exercises that'll give you a rounder, stronger butt. The glutes are a powerful group of muscles that play a key role in many movements. And, of course, just look good when they’re well developed. On both men and women. But they’re also […]

February 10, 2019
Deadlifts: Which Type is BEST For You?

Want to learn which type of deadlift will provide you with the best results? Then you need to read this article.  The deadlift can be argued as the single best exercise for strengthening and developing the posterior chain. Although the conventional deadlift is typically what pops into most people’s minds when they think of the […]

September 9, 2018
How to Deadlift for Growth (5 Mistakes You’re Probably Making)

If you want to learn how to deadlift in a way that will maximize growth and reduce your risk of injury... Then you need to read this article. If you’re seeking to add upper back thickness, accentuate your V-taper, and build a powerful looking backside then deadlifts should definitely be a staple in your routine. […]