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Showing results for tag "workout"

November 18, 2023
The #1 Delts Workout That Blew Up My Shoulders (3 Exercises)

Today I want to share the #1 delts workout that absolutely blew up my shoulders. My Filipino genetics blessed me with a 1:1 shoulder-to-waist ratio and narrow clavicles that made me look frail and weak.  But I refused to let my genetics define me.  This past year, my shoulders blew up.  They’re wider, broader, and […]

June 16, 2023
Compound Exercises For Upper Body | Built With Science

What Are The Best Compound Exercises For Upper Body? Compound exercises are exercises that work multiple muscle groups across multiple joints.  While they do equally well at eliciting hypertrophy in a specific target group as isolation exercises when sets and reps are equated, compound exercises are undoubtedly a more time-efficient way of working out — […]

June 14, 2023
The Top 10 Best Compound Exercises For Stronger Legs | Ultimate Guide

Best Compound Exercises For Legs Think about the number of major muscle groups in your legs. You have the quads, hamstrings, glutes, and (the regrettably often overlooked) calves. And that’s not even counting the individual muscles within those major muscle groups: That’s 12 individual muscles in total! It would be very difficult to use only […]

June 14, 2023
What Are The Best Hamstring Compound Exercises?

What Are Compound Hamstring Exercises? To understand what compound hamstring exercises are, you’ll first need to know what compound exercises are in the first place. Now, all strength training movements are split into 2 main categories: Compound hamstring exercises are thus movements that target multiple muscle groups — including the hamstrings plus 1 or a […]

June 14, 2023
Glute Compound Exercises: Your Ultimate Guide

What Are Glute Compound Exercises? Like all strength training movements, glute-building exercises fall under 2 categories: Hmm. So, if compound exercises give you more “muscle-growing” action than isolation exercises (e.g., the barbell back squat grows your glutes and quads, compared to the glute-specific cable glute kickback) within a given set, why would anyone choose to […]

June 14, 2023
Best Chest Compound Exercises: Top 10 Exercises For A Stronger And Bigger Chest

Best Chest Compound Exercises To-do: build chest muscles so big and thick they fill out your t-shirts. How? Option 1: pile as many plates onto the bar as possible and spam sets upon sets of barbell bench presses, then pray to the “chest gods”. Option 2: consider the chest anatomy, then carefully select a variety […]

April 27, 2023
Best Glute Exercises to Get A Well Rounded Butt

Find out what the best glute exercises really are We tested 17 of the most popular glute exercises on 4 subjects, male and female, to find which ones are the best at building a powerful, well-rounded butt. And we’ll use these results to create a simple glute workout perfect for you and guaranteed to transform […]

March 28, 2023
14 Best Back Exercises To Build The Perfect Back

Want a wider, thicker, and more balanced back? Read this article. I cover 14 of the best back exercises you could do that'll level up your back growth. If you want a wider, thicker, and more balanced back, then there are 4 main regions your back exercises need to target. In this article, I’ll first […]

March 28, 2023
The 5 Best Exercises To Increase Forearm Size And Strength

If you want to know which exercises you should be doing to increase forearm size and strength, then keep reading. Forearms can be thought of as the calves of the arm. You can have well-developed biceps and triceps, but if your forearms are underdeveloped, then you will have an imbalanced physique. Forearm workout to increase forearm […]

December 8, 2022
I Created The Smartest Back Workout For Growth (Using Science)

The back is such an important part of what makes an impressive physique. But with hundreds of different back exercises out there, it's hard to tell which you should do during your back workout. That's why we brought in Betty — our muscle activation measuring machine — for this article. Today, we're using her to […]

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