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June 5, 2021
How To Build Muscle With A Fast Workout (More Gains, Half The Time!)

Can you build the same amount of muscle - if not more - despite 'rushing' through your workout? Yes! But you'll have to do a few things correctly. Find out what they are here. Let's say you're in a crazy rush. You have no time. Or, you're just someone who wants to be really efficient. […]

January 4, 2020
The Best “Push Pull Legs Routine” For Growth

One of the most effective workout routines you can use to build muscle is the push pull legs split, in which your major muscle groups are split into three different workouts. Continue reading to learn how you can incorporate it into your training. Here's an introduction to how the push pull legs workout works: In […]

January 27, 2019
The Best Full Body Workout For Growth

If you want to learn an effective full body workout routine optimized for muscle growth, then you need to read this article. Full body workouts are one of the best workout splits for muscle growth and strength regardless of your training experience. They not only enable you to optimize your training frequency and recovery throughout […]

January 19, 2019
Short Head Biceps Exercises

If you want to learn what the best biceps exercises are for the short head... Then you need to read this article. This article will begin by focusing on brachialis related workouts and then move into the short head biceps exercises. You may be asking yourself why the brachialis is included here at all. Or […]

August 4, 2018
The Best Tricep Workout Exercises For Bigger Triceps

If you want well-developed, proportionate looking triceps then you need to incorporate the following tricep exercises... When it comes to building big, powerful looking arms, the majority of us know that we need to focus on the triceps. Why? Because as you can tell from the below photos of me, they actually make up most […]