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Showing results for tag "recovery"

April 30, 2023
Cold Therapy: What Are The Benefits?

Are Cold Showers Good For You? What would happen after 30 days, or 1 month … if you took … a cold shower … every single day? Today, we’re doing a deep dive into the science, and I’ll also reveal the results I got from doing the 30-day cold protocol I’ll share later on.  Now, […]

May 25, 2019
What To Eat After A Workout: The Best Science-Based Post Workout Meal

If you want to learn exactly what to eat after a workout to build muscle and the research behind it... Then you need to read this article. I remember when I first started lifting, I was always told that the post-workout meal was crucial. If I didn’t eat a post workout meal after my workout, […]

April 27, 2019
Deload Weeks Explained: How To Get Bigger By Doing Less

If you want to learn how to progress faster and avoid overtraining... Then you need to start implementing deload weeks. Let’s face it, building muscle is no easy feat and requires you to consistently push yourself harder and harder in the gym week after week. Because generally, the more effort you put into your workouts, […]

February 24, 2019
What Are The BEST Sources of Protein to Build Muscle? (11 Studies)

If you want to learn what science says are the best protein sources to build muscle... Then you need to read this article.  We all know that protein plays a major role in muscle growth. Failing to get enough protein means that your muscles won’t recover and grow to the best of their ability. However, […]

April 15, 2018
4 Science-Backed Tips to Reduce Muscle Soreness and Enhance Muscle Recovery

In this article you'll learn why too much muscle soreness can be a bad thing and how to relieve it with evidence-backed methods. The soreness you feel after a workout is something you’re all probably familiar with (especially after a hard leg day). This feeling, known as delayed onset muscle soreness, or “DOMS” is thought […]

March 3, 2018
Does Muscle Soreness Equal Muscle Growth?

If you want to learn whether muscle soreness equates to muscle growth or not, then you need to read this article. It’s a common belief among lifters that the more muscle soreness you experience after your workout, the more your muscles will grow. This often leaves people disheartened when they don’t experience soreness after their […]