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Showing results for tag "science"

April 13, 2024
Targeting Belly Fat Is Possible?! (New Study)

Everyone wants to lose that stubborn belly fat, right? Problem is, you can't choose where your body burns fat from every time you workout. Or at least, I didn’t think you could… Until I came across this new study, which said that targeting belly fat may not only be possible, but also much easier than […]

March 16, 2024
The ONLY 4 Ways to Build Muscle Faster

What if you could press the “fast forward button” on muscle growth? Well, scientifically, there are only 4 strategies you could use to build muscle faster. Most people only take advantage of 1 or 2 of them. Or, they do them all, but incorrectly. In today’s article, I’ll reveal what the 4 strategies are and […]

February 10, 2024
The #1 Glute Workout That BLEW UP My Flat Butt (3 Exercises)

Today, I'm sharing the #1 glute workout that grew my flat butt. Why grow glutes? Well, aside from keeping your knees and lower back healthy, my girlfriend Tahnee gives me ALL the inside talk from her friends, and apparently, a fit butt on a guy is a big turn-on.  So when she said my butt […]

January 20, 2024
How To Build Muscle: Hypertrophy Explained By 7 Elite Scientists

Learn how to build muscle. The most effective, science-based way. If you're interested in learning how to build muscle, you need to read this article. Because I’m bringing you exclusive insights from 7 of the world’s smartest hypertrophy scientists. Using their research, I’ll create a step-by-step blueprint that will serve as your ultimate muscle-building hack.  […]

December 30, 2023
How To Get Lean In 2024 (3 Easy Steps)

Here's how to get lean in 2024. In 3 simple, science-backed steps. If you want to actually get lean this year, the odds are stacked against you. More than 80% of people who try end up failing. But what exactly are the 20% doing that’s helping them beat the odds? Well, there are 3 simple, […]

November 4, 2023
How to Build Muscle Fast (More Gains In Just 30 Minutes)

Is it possible to work out half as much as you are right now, do just a few 30-minute workouts per week, and get the same or potentially even more gains? According to the latest science, you most definitely can build muscle fast, in as little as 20 to 30 minutes. There are 3 time-saving […]

October 14, 2023
How Many Sets Per Muscle Group Per Week To Force Growth? (Less = More!)

How many sets per muscle group per week do you really need to build muscle? Some say just 1 set taken to all-out failure is best. Dorian Yates and Mike Mentzer are prime examples of incredible physiques that have been built using this minimalistic approach.  Whereas others go high volume, doing 4-5 sets per exercise […]

September 16, 2023
How Long Does It Take To Burn Calories From A Big Mac? (Science Explained)

Is it possible to out-exercise a bad diet? In this article, learn just how long it could take you to burn calories off your favorite cheat meal. Turning down that weekend burger and fries isn’t easy. We tell ourselves we'll make up for it in the gym, but how difficult is it to actually reverse the damage (i.e., burn […]

June 16, 2023
Compound Exercises For Upper Body | Built With Science

What Are The Best Compound Exercises For Upper Body? Compound exercises are exercises that work multiple muscle groups across multiple joints.  While they do equally well at eliciting hypertrophy in a specific target group as isolation exercises when sets and reps are equated, compound exercises are undoubtedly a more time-efficient way of working out — […]

June 14, 2023
The Top 10 Best Compound Exercises For Stronger Legs | Ultimate Guide

Best Compound Exercises For Legs Think about the number of major muscle groups in your legs. You have the quads, hamstrings, glutes, and (the regrettably often overlooked) calves. And that’s not even counting the individual muscles within those major muscle groups: That’s 12 individual muscles in total! It would be very difficult to use only […]

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