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Showing results for tag "shoulders"

November 7, 2021
“My Delts Muscle Isn't Growing” (The 4 Reasons Why)

Everyone wants wide shoulders. But actually getting them is a whole other issue. Here are the 4 training mistakes that may be hurting the growth of your delts muscle - and what you can do about it. If you're having a hard time growing your delts muscle (i.e., getting your shoulders wider AND thicker), it […]

September 12, 2020
Why Your Delts Aren’t Growing (ONE FIX!)

Always googling 'How to build shoulders' on the Internet? You've stumbled upon the right article. Here, I show you how to activate and grow your side delts so you build massive shoulders.  The delts, for many, are an extremely stubborn muscle group to develop. That said, because of all the pressing we do, most of […]

April 11, 2020
The BEST Shoulder Workout At Home For Growth (NO EQUIPMENT)

You can build bigger, wider, and more powerful-looking shoulders without equipment! In this article, I'll show you the best shoulder workout at home you can do to achieve exactly that.  To build big shoulders, you need to focus on hitting all of the three heads that make up this muscle group in your shoulder workout […]

September 21, 2019
How To Fix Rounded Shoulders In 10 Minutes (Science-Based Routine)

Do you catch yourself hunched over in the mirror and hate the way you look? If you do, give this article a read. In this article, I cover how to fix rounded shoulders (fast!) with a quick, 10-min science-based corrective routine. Okay, I'll admit this. The forward rounded shoulders posture is the replica of what […]

July 28, 2019
How To Grow Your Rear Delts Fast (4 Key Exercises You're Not Doing)

Let’s face it, most of us have underdeveloped rear delts. In this article, you'll learn about the importance of developing your rear delts, and three key exercises you're not doing.  We have underdeveloped rear delts mainly because we either neglect them or we don’t train them as effectively as we could be. Which is detrimental […]

July 13, 2019
Top 3 Rotator Cuff Exercises (Fix Your Shoulder Pain)

If you want to lose your gains fast; get injured. In this article, you'll learn how to perform three rotator cuff exercises that will improve shoulder health and prevent injury. Nothing will set you back more than injuries in your quest to build muscle and lose fat. Shoulder injuries are one of the most common […]

April 6, 2019
How To Get Wider Shoulders: Avoid These Shoulder Training Mistakes

If you want to learn how to train to build broad shoulders as quickly as possible... Then you need to read this article. To find out what men strive for, just find out what women like! Multiple studies (1 , 2 , and 3 ) have shown that women rate broad shoulders as one of […]

December 2, 2018
How to Perform the Overhead Press for Bigger Shoulders: 5 Mistakes You’re Probably Making

If you want bigger shoulders, then it's vital that you perform the overhead press both optimally AND safely... Luckily, that's exactly what this article will show you how to do. Well-developed, rounded shoulders are one of many key features that dramatically improves and completes a powerful looking upper body(Upper Body Workout located here) And in […]

March 18, 2018
The Best Upper Body Workout Routine and Exercises

If you want an effective upper body workout optimized for muscle growth, then you need to read this article. When it comes to picking a workout split that maximizes muscle growth, there’s a lot of factors that need to be considered. But due to the optimal training frequency and realistic time commitment of an upper […]

January 18, 2018
Shoulder Workout for Mass and Symmetry (10 Studies)

Well developed shoulders are key to completing a balanced physique and getting that broad-shouldered look everyone is striving for. However, many people neglect to focus on all three heads of the deltoid muscle. And that is a huge mistake. Proper development of all three portions of your shoulder is what gives them that 3-dimensional look. […]