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Showing results for tag "butt"

February 10, 2024
The #1 Glute Workout That BLEW UP My Flat Butt (3 Exercises)

Today, I'm sharing the #1 glute workout that grew my flat butt. Why grow glutes? Well, aside from keeping your knees and lower back healthy, my girlfriend Tahnee gives me ALL the inside talk from her friends, and apparently, a fit butt on a guy is a big turn-on.  So when she said my butt […]

September 4, 2021
The Best Glutes Workout To Grow Your Flat Butt (GYM OR HOME!)

Struggle with a flat butt no more. In this article, I cover the butt workout (featuring 6 of the best glute exercises around) you should be doing for a perky butt. I'm going to show you a glutes workout with 6 of the best exercises to grow your butt. Here's what I'll go through: The […]

January 30, 2021
The 4 BEST Glutes Exercises Ft. Bret Contreras (GYM OR HOME)

Struggling with developing and strengthening your glutes? Here, find the 4 best glutes exercises that'll give you a rounder, stronger butt. The glutes are a powerful group of muscles that play a key role in many movements. And, of course, just look good when they’re well developed. On both men and women. But they’re also […]

August 1, 2020
How To Activate Your Glutes (3 BEST Exercises For Glutes Activation)

Struggling to feel your glutes in your workouts? Don't worry. In this article, I cover a 4-step plan that will help activate your glutes.  Your butt is home to the largest, most powerful muscles in your body. It basically acts as a support system and shock absorber for the entire body. And plays a major […]

November 4, 2018
How To Fix and Prevent Knee Pain During Exercise: Stop Ignoring This Muscle!

If you currently experience a nagging pain in your knee during exercises like the squat, then you already know the extent to which this negatively affects your workouts and overall progress. It’s also likely that you’ve tried to address the problem by either: Avoiding certain exercises altogether Focusing solely on strengthening the structures around the […]