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Showing results for tag "push-ups"

July 30, 2022
100 Push-Ups a Day for 30 Days: What Happens to Your Body?

The "100 pushups a day" challenge sounds cool. But is it really such a good idea? Will you see improvements in your muscle growth and strength, or will you just get injured? Let's see. Pushups are one of the most effective exercises to increase your strength and build up your upper body muscles like the […]

October 16, 2021
How To Get A Massive Chest With Only Push-Ups (NO EQUIPMENT)

Want a bigger chest? This article is for you. Here, I cover the 6 types of push ups - plus 2 key movements - that'll help you build a massive chest (fast!) I’m going to share with you how you can grow a big chest by just using push ups. Here's what we're going to […]

July 10, 2021
How To Unlock Your Push-Up Strength (In 5 Minutes)

Here's everything to know about how to do a push up correctly - so you can unlock maximum strength and muscle mass gains from the exercise. I'm going to take your push ups to the next level in a few easy-to-follow steps. More specifically, in this article, I'll show you how to do a proper […]

November 21, 2020
The Perfect Push Up Form To Build Muscle (AVOID THESE MISTAKES!)

Most people just can't seem to the proper push up form right. Are you one of them? Find out in this article. Here, I cover the most common push up form mistakes so you avoid injuries. And experience the fastest growth. The push up is the most primitive muscle-building movements we possess.  Unlike some other […]

March 3, 2019
Push-Ups: How To Best Use Them For Growth (4 Science-Based Tips)

If you want to learn how to really build muscle with push ups... Then you need to read this article. The push up is one of the best bodyweight exercises for the upper body. It's convenient, relatively easy to learn, and can be performed virtually anywhere. The main muscles worked during the push up will be […]