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Showing results for tag "diet"

March 30, 2024
How To Build Muscle WITHOUT Bulking (NEW RESEARCH)

Surprise, surprise. You can build muscle without bulking. Learn how to achieve maximum growth with minimal fat gain here. If you want to build muscle, you gotta bulk right? I mean, that’s what all the biggest guys in the gym seem to be doing. But bulking can actually be the WRONG way to build muscle […]

March 2, 2024
The #1 Weight Loss Diet to Lose Fat (For GOOD!)

In this article, I share a game-changing weight loss diet that I guarantee will work for you. Why is it that only about 10% of us are able to lose fat and keep it off for good? Well, most of what people learn about dieting is wrong, and just sets you up for failure.  But […]

September 16, 2023
How Long Does It Take To Burn Calories From A Big Mac? (Science Explained)

Is it possible to out-exercise a bad diet? In this article, learn just how long it could take you to burn calories off your favorite cheat meal. Turning down that weekend burger and fries isn’t easy. We tell ourselves we'll make up for it in the gym, but how difficult is it to actually reverse the damage (i.e., burn […]

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