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Showing results for tag "bulk"

March 30, 2024
How To Build Muscle WITHOUT Bulking (NEW RESEARCH)

Surprise, surprise. You can build muscle without bulking. Learn how to achieve maximum growth with minimal fat gain here. If you want to build muscle, you gotta bulk right? I mean, that’s what all the biggest guys in the gym seem to be doing. But bulking can actually be the WRONG way to build muscle […]

March 13, 2021
Bulk Vs Cut: Which Should You Do First? (3 Questions To Ask)

Bulk vs cut: which should you do first? While seemingly complicated, the answer to this is actually quite simple. Here, I explore the 3 approaches you can take to achieve a better-looking physique - and cover the pros and cons of bulking or cutting first.  “Should I bulk or cut?” is probably the most common […]

June 20, 2020
What To Eat To Build Muscle Faster (The Best Bulking Meal Plan)

Maximize the resulting growth you experience from your workout by optimizing your nutrition. Find out exactly how and what to eat to build muscle in this article. Your workouts are what provide the damage and stimulus for your muscles to grow. But the muscle building foods you eat throughout the day is what provides the […]

October 19, 2019
How To Bulk Up Fast Without Getting Fat (4 Mistakes To Avoid)

Looking to add size without getting soft? In this article, I cover why you're not building muscle, and more specifically, I'll go through how to bulk up fast without gaining a ton of fat in the process. First off though, let’s cover what exactly a 'bulk' is, and why it’s ideal for building muscle. Before […]

February 25, 2018
Body Recomposition: How to Build Muscle While Losing Fat

If you want to learn exactly how to successfully achieve a body recomposition with science-backed methods, then you need to read this article. Common belief has us convinced that building muscle and losing fat simultaneously, also known as body recomposition, isn’t feasible for most natural lifters. You’ll often hear that you’re stuck with one of […]