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Showing results for tag "lose-fat"

July 20, 2024
How To Lose That Belly Fat in 1 Week (I Tried It ... And It Worked!)

Belly fat is stubborn and often the last area to go. But what if you could lose belly fat 3-4 times faster? Here's how to lose that belly fat in 1 week. Is it possible to lose stubborn belly fat 3 times faster and make months of progress in just one week? For the next […]

June 22, 2024
What Are The Best Fat Loss Exercises? (I Studied 50)

What are the best fat loss exercises? Worst? Find out in this article. Today my friend Kevin and I are using the world’s most accurate calorie tracker to rank 50 different exercises and find out which are the best fat loss exercises. At the end, we’ll reveal one as the all time highest calorie burner.  […]

April 13, 2024
Targeting Belly Fat Is Possible?! (New Study)

Everyone wants to lose that stubborn belly fat, right? Problem is, you can't choose where your body burns fat from every time you workout. Or at least, I didn’t think you could… Until I came across this new study, which said that targeting belly fat may not only be possible, but also much easier than […]

March 2, 2024
The #1 Weight Loss Diet to Lose Fat (For GOOD!)

In this article, I share a game-changing weight loss diet that I guarantee will work for you. Why is it that only about 10% of us are able to lose fat and keep it off for good? Well, most of what people learn about dieting is wrong, and just sets you up for failure.  But […]

December 30, 2023
How To Get Lean In 2024 (3 Easy Steps)

Here's how to get lean in 2024. In 3 simple, science-backed steps. If you want to actually get lean this year, the odds are stacked against you. More than 80% of people who try end up failing. But what exactly are the 20% doing that’s helping them beat the odds? Well, there are 3 simple, […]

September 30, 2023
How Much Cardio Should You Do to Lose Weight? (Science Explained)

Do you need cardio to lose weight? After reviewing the latest science, interviewing the smartest experts in the world, and speaking to some of the top natural bodybuilders in the industry, here’s what I found. Do you need cardio to lose weight? And how much cardio should you actually do? Some say you don’t need any, whereas others say […]

September 16, 2023
How Long Does It Take To Burn Calories From A Big Mac? (Science Explained)

Is it possible to out-exercise a bad diet? In this article, learn just how long it could take you to burn calories off your favorite cheat meal. Turning down that weekend burger and fries isn’t easy. We tell ourselves we'll make up for it in the gym, but how difficult is it to actually reverse the damage (i.e., burn […]

August 12, 2023
How To Lose Fat For Just $5/Day (7-Day Cheap Weight Loss Meal Plan)

We're taking dieting on a budget to a whole new level. Below, discover a tried-and-tested 7-day cheap weight loss meal plan (~$5/day!) you can implement right away to start melting fat. This is the world’s cheapest fat loss diet meal plan. All of this comes up to just over $5/day. It’s absolutely delicious and dead […]

July 24, 2023
Compound Exercises For Weight Loss | Built With Science

What Are The Best Compound Exercises For Weight Loss? So, you’ve decided to lose weight, and you’re working hard in the gym. Great. To help you maximize your resistance training’s calorie-burning potential (potentially translating to quicker weight loss results), let’s make sure you’re doing the right kinds of exercise. Compound exercises. These multi-joint exercises target […]

July 15, 2023
How To Get Rid Of Love Handles

How To Get Rid Of Love Handles Love handles are one of the toughest areas to get rid of.  But losing them is actually quite simple. And no, you don’t need to starve yourself. Using the latest science, I’ll show you 5 easy steps that I guarantee will get rid of them and keep them […]

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