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Showing results for tag "dumbbells"

July 16, 2022
STOP Doing Your Dumbbell Bench Press Like This (5 Mistakes Slowing Your Chest Gains)

The dumbbell bench press is one of the best exercises you could use to build your chest. But are you doing it correctly? Here are 5 common form mistakes people make — and how to fix them for more gains. As far as chest exercises go, the dumbbell bench press is arguably the most effective […]

June 2, 2022
Back Workouts With Dumbbells

Looking for a solid back workout involving just dumbbells? You're in luck. Here's a list of the most effective dumbbells-only back exercises you could ever include in your workouts. Dumbbells are extremely versatile pieces of equipment that can be used to replicate any barbell movement that exists. The efficacy of movements may differ between barbell […]

August 21, 2021
The FASTEST Biceps Workout With Dumbbells (That Actually Works)

Looking to build bigger arms in record-breaking time? This article is for you. Here, I cover the exercises - and exact training methods - to use for the FASTEST biceps workout with dumbbells (that actually works!) I'm going to give you a killer 10-minute biceps workout - with only dumbbells. Better yet, we'll use 3 […]

August 18, 2019
The Ultimate Dumbbell Bicep Workout You Need For Massive Arms

Want bigger biceps that visibly pop under your sleeves? Thankfully, building bigger arms isn't challenging. In this article, I'll go through the best dumbbell bicep workout that targets each part of your biceps, so you add the muscle mass you want to your arms. If you're looking to get bigger biceps, you need to incorporate […]