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Thoroughly researched and scientifically sound products to help hit your goals.

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Share your progress for a chance to win $1000 cash & More every single month!

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At Built With Science you get proven, evidence-based advice and guidance to build muscle, lose fat and feel great. No fads, no fluff.
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Every Month, You Have The Chance To Win
Over $1000 In Cash Prizes

We love seeing our members succeed and we want to make this journey as fun as possible for you.
That’s why every single month, we pick 1 winner who will receive:

$1000 in cash

BWS Protein Powder

BWS Resistance Bands

a 30-minute one-on-one call with Jeremy

It doesn’t matter if you’ve just started the program or if you’ve been on it for a year, every single month you still have a chance to win.
We also don’t just pick a winner based on the physical transformation, we look at everything holistically.


What do I need to do in order to be eligible to win the monthly prize?

To be eligible to win the monthly prize, you must 1.) Be a BWS program member and 2.) Send your photo submissions, including the required questions, by the specified deadline.

How should I take my progress photos?

At a bare minimum, take at least 1 front-facing photo of yourself in front of a plain wall with as much skin as you feel comfortable showing. We’d highly suggest taking a side and back angle as well so that you can compare all angles of your body.Try to find an area where the lighting is usually consistent. You can take them flexed or unflexed.
Meal plans restrict what you can eat and are difficult to integrate into real life. That’s why we created the BWS Plug & Play Meal Builder. It’s easy, flexible and fun. How flexible? You can eat 2 meals per day, or as many as 6 meals depending on your schedule.
And in as little as 5 minutes, you can pick and choose your snacks and meals for the day and week. It automatically calculates your calories and macros so you can stay on track and never worry about guessing what to eat and when. You’ll love the comprehensive database of breakfasts, lunches, dinners, snacks that are available to you with gluten-free, keto, vegetarian, vegan options.

How many times can I submit my progress photos?

Every single month you can submit your progress photos and be eligible for the cash prizes (yes, you can win more than once).

Will my photos be published?

Although Built With Science isn't obligated to publish any photos or other materials submitted as part of a contest entry, by participating or submitting an entry in the contest, you are giving Built With Science permission to publish, reproduce, distribute, and/or otherwise use the content of your entry in any manner without compensation or consideration to you, and without further authorization by you.